Getting in the Pumpkin Spirit

My lovely roommate and I ventured to the local Pumpkin Patch yesterday and got our dosage of halloween fun for the season. What a joyous time of year it is to be a child again---- playing in the mud, picking out pumpkins, frolicking through sunflowers.
I've been pondering long and hard about why us Californians obsess over this time of year and I think I'm starting to put my finger on it. When October leaves roll in and the long awaited boots and scarves are racked out, there is a crispness that fills the air. A type of air that fills up the lungs and provides new opportunity. Opportunity to start all over again and forget about the previous season and all its troubles. An opportunity to bury the scents and memories of summer and look forward into the future. Fall gives people the chance to smell new things, like pumpkins, rain, lattes, and pine cones. It's a time to hop on a plane and reunite with old times and friends. Fall gives people newness. New adventures, new scents, new music, new skies, new opportunity.
"It already smells like fall, and I'm glad, because the summer smelt like you." (KeyWrites.)