
Sunday, December 1, 2013

a very [thank]ful time off

 Thanksgiving break was unexpectedly needed:

 I went into the week expecting huge reunions and instead, I found that the older people get, the more friendships you weed away. You start to realize that only a few friendships last through the years, and to say it blatantly, you stop caring about those high school friend groups and grow out of it.
That's where I'm at right now, so I went home and had this reality check of the life I'm living now. I realized how thankful I was that I am where I am. Regardless of some circumstances that suck at the moment, God is most definitely at work. Praise Him for His faithfulness.

I also realized that me and my few best friends do life differently than the rest. We swim "upstream".
We stay out til' 2 am talking about the depths of life, trek to the beach late at night and dance around on the sand feelin' alive and crazy and cry until our stomachs hurt.
We make Christ the center of it all.
That's what's so different about us. Nobody gets the way we live, and I love that. Maybe that's why more and more friendships seem unimportant to me because I'm seeing who sticks around and matures.

To wrap it up, I had such a blessed thanksgiving. My week was filled with much needed family time, adventures, good food, chasing sunsets, christmas decorating, and lots of laughter.

Here are a few pictures to sum up my time home;

1)  Late night beach adventure; dancing & screaming on the 

2) A random, stumbled upon mural that amused me

 3) My bestest friend whom I missed dearly, cali sunset, oh &   
   McClain's tea
4) Inspiring & delicious lunch date with Alex at Cafe 109

5) Obligatory shots of the cotton candy skies on my roof 

6) Decorating the tree with a giddy spirit // my absolute
    favorite christmas festivity

7) A late night trip to the sketchy yet savory Molcasalsa with 
    the reunited trio filled with loads of laughter and yummy

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